Celebrate Obama's birthday-- take the bus to PA!

Saturday August 4th is President Obama's 51st birthday!  Obama for America volunteers from all over New York will give the President a great birthday present by taking the bus to Pennsylvania to reach out to undecided voters and do voter registration/voter education.  Pennsylvania has new voter ID requirements.  It is imperative that we reach out to all Obama supporters in PA to let them know that to register to vote, and then to vote, they must have a state issued photo ID!   

This week will be a special later trip, leaving at 11 a.m. and returning 11 p.m., to accomodate Saturday night Obama birthday activities!  Should be fun!

From mybarackobama.com:

Our friends in PA need our help and our boots on the ground to win the state for the President. Sign up to register voters and recruit volunteers to celebrate the President's Birthday.

Every trip, knock, handshake, and smile count in this election. Mitt Romney's campaign is raising a lot of money. It's time that we introduce Big Money to People Power and say, "good luck buying spirit, energy, and commitment!" Can't make it? Persuade a friend to take your place! We need as many volunteers as possible to help the President win in Philly and PA.

The cost is $10.00 round trip, however no one will be turned away for lack of funds. See you on August 4th. Fired up?! Let us know that you're ready to go!

Saturday, August 4, 2012 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Chris Chavez
OFA-NY Headquarters (New York, NY)
520 Eighth Ave
New York, NY 10018
RSVP here and if you are going, please note in your email that you are with DFNYC, that way we'll all get scheduled on the same bus.



See you there!!