About Democracy for NYC

Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) is committed to the ideals espoused by Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean, and the national network of local coalition groups dedicated to the same.

EndorsedLogo PlasticWe work both locally and nationally to ensure that fiscally responsible and socially progressive candidates are elected at all levels of government. We develop innovative ways to advocate for the issues that matter to our members and support legislation which has a positive effect in our communities.  We promote transparency and ethical practices in government.  We engage people in the political process and give them the tools to organize, communicate, mobilize, and enact change on the local, state, and national level.

You can download our bylaws here.

About Democracy for New York City


Domino's Pizza Boycott Launched - Join it!

City-wide Boycott of Domino's Pizza Launched

On Wednesday, November 16, Democracy for NYC joined the Sweatshop Free Campaign, Occupy Wall Street organizers, and the community in a rally launching New York City-wide boycott of Domino's Pizza. Some of the conditions Domino's Pizza employees report and which led to the boycott include:

  • Work up to 102 hours a week at $4.40/hr often without full pay
  • Risk their lives in hazardous weather & road conditions
  • Receive insulting treatment, with no time to rest or eat
  • Pay out of pocket for bicycles and uniforms

Since 2009, hundreds of workers have come together from various Domino's franchises to sue their bosses while organizing for better conditions. Franchise owner Dave Melton has responded by firing workers, cutting hours, and refusing to pay back the workers.

DFNYC which has long supported the fight against sweatshop conditions and unfair, illegal working condidtions in all work places, was represented by Sally Swisher, Bruce Markens, Susan Andrews, and Bernadette Evangelist. Photos below were taken by Bernadette at the rally and subsequent march to a local Domino's Pizza outlet.

Please join the boycott and call Domino's headquarters, 734-930-3030, to voice your support for the workers.


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Contact Information

Email: info -at- dfnyc.org


A local coalition group of Democracy for America since 2004

Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) is committed to the ideals espoused by Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean, and the national network of local coalition groups dedicated to the same.