Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) is committed to the ideals espoused by Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean, and the national network of local coalition groups dedicated to the same.
We work both locally and nationally to ensure that fiscally responsible and socially progressive candidates are elected at all levels of government. We develop innovative ways to advocate for the issues that matter to our members and support legislation which has a positive effect in our communities. We promote transparency and ethical practices in government. We engage people in the political process and give them the tools to organize, communicate, mobilize, and enact change on the local, state, and national level.
You can download our bylaws here.
Organizing 2.0 Fri - Sun w/Max Stahl from DFA, etc. |
Organizing 2.0, a conference for grassroots activists, is this weekend, March 22-24, 2013, at the UFT, 52 Broadway in Manhattan. For all the details, schedules, and pricing, visit the conference website: Key points: ~Max Stahl from Democracy for America in Burlington, is speaking at 3 different events, including Running for Office Against a Political Machine. Max is terrific! DFNYC members worked with him on Elizabeth Warren's campaign and a bunch of other progressive actions. ~Discounts! A DFA discount, a Camp Wellstone discount. Inquire at or 646-251-0680 to learn more. ~There's a Short Video - a minute and a half - and you probably know people in it. Click here for the video. ~What Justin Krebs said: "Trainings and workshops, speakers and an unconference, price-points for everyone, great progressive partners... . I strongly encourage folks to go. Campaign staffs can get a serious training in new media, data, tech, etc. More seasoned organizations can rub elbows with the next generation of activist leaders. Candidates should all find a way to connect with this energy." ~What Elana Levin said: "This conference is for communicators, organizers, and fundraisers. Members and staff at unions, nonprofits, member organizations, and campaigns. Board members, member-organizers, elected officials, and their staffers. Hackers, occupiers, free-agents, and trouble-makers."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~From the organizers of Organizing 2.0: Organizing New York will bring together hundreds of leaders, organizers, fundraisers, techies and activists to share our collective wisdom, skills, and talents. Join us!
We will have workshops, discussions, consulting and networking opportunities, visionary speakers and a provocative debate around strategy and practices. Over three days right by Wall Street, we will bring together a thousand people to learn from each other, share stories and strategies and build our skills, organizations and movements.
Our featured tracks are in Online Organizing, Advocacy and Organizing, and Grassroots Fundraising. The agenda is constructed around the needs of staff, members and leaders of union locals, community based organizations, advocacy nonprofits and individual activists.
This year’s conference brings together groups with long track records in running successful conferences and trainings: Organizing 2.0, Working Families, The New York Civic Engagement Table, Wellstone Action,Rootscamp, Democracy for America and many more. |
Location : UFT, 52 Broadway, in downtown Manhattan |
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Democracy for NYC (DFNYC) is committed to the ideals espoused by Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean, and the national network of local coalition groups dedicated to the same.